Vi slutar med att uppmärksamma Dynamites satsning på klassika pulphjältar, Masks Bk 01.
Detta kom in den 28/8 2013
Btooom Bk 03 | 120,00 |
Bunny Drop Bk 09 | 140,00 |
Cage of Eden Bk 11 | 110,00 |
End O/T F$$$Ing World Gn | 200,00 |
Hellblazer Bk 06 | 200,00 |
Helter Skelter Fashion Unfriendly Gn | 170,00 |
Judge Bk 01 | 130,00 |
League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Omnibus Tp | 300,00 |
Masks Bk 01 | 250,00 |
Papyrus Bk 1 The Ramses Revege | 120,00 |
Loac Essentials Hc Vol 03 Polly And Her Pals 1933 | 250,00 |
Rip Kirby Hc Vol 06 | 500,00 |
Science A Discovery In Comics Hc | 200,00 |
100 Bullets Bk 02 Split Second Chance | 180,00 |
Alan Moore Another Suburban Romance Gn | 80,00 |
Bakuman Bk 13 | 100,00 |
Batgirl Robin Year One Tp | 250,00 |
Castle Waiting Bk 01 | 250,00 |
Ghost In Shell Kodansha Ed Bk 02 | 270,00 |
It Was War O/T Trenches Hc | 250,00 |
Killer Omnibus Bk 01 | 250,00 |
Little Fluffy Gigolo Pelu Bk 02 | 180,00 |
Oishinbo Bk 01 Japanese Cuisine | 130,00 |
Rip Kirby Hc Vol 02 | 500,00 |
Sandman Bk 01 Preludes & Nocturnes New Ed | 200,00 |
Sandman Bk 10 The Wake New Ed | 200,00 |
Sebastian O Tp | 100,00 |
Vagabond Vizbig Ed Bk 05 | 200,00 |
Undanlagt till prenumeranter och annat löst folk
All Star Western #23 | 40,00 |
American Vampire Anthology #1 | 80,00 |
Angel & Faith #10 Steve Morris Cvr | 30,00 |
Angel & Faith #11 Steve Morris Cvr | 30,00 |
Angel & Faith #17 Steve Morris Cvr | 30,00 |
Angel & Faith #18 Rebekah Isaacs Var Cvr | 30,00 |
Angel & Faith #25 Steve Morris Cvr | 30,00 |
Angel & Faith #7 Steve Morris Cvr | 30,00 |
Angel & Faith #8 Rebekah Isaacs Var Cvr | 30,00 |
Angel & Faith #9 Steve Morris Cvr | 30,00 |
Aquaman #23 | 30,00 |
Astonishing X-Men #66 | 40,00 |
Back Issue #67 | 90,00 |
Batman Incorporated Special #1 | 50,00 |
Batman Superman #3 | 40,00 |
Batman The Dark Knight #23 | 30,00 |
Btvs Season 9 Freefall #6 Noto Cvr | 30,00 |
Cage Of Eden Bk 11 | 110,00 |
Captain America #10 | 40,00 |
Catwoman #23 | 30,00 |
Certain Scientific Railgun Bk 08 | 130,00 |
Dc Batman Automobilia Fig Coll Mag #12 Detective #27 | 200,00 |
Devil Is In Details Examining Matt Murdock & Daredevil Sc | 160,00 |
Ff #11 | 30,00 |
Flash #23 | 30,00 |
Fury Max Bk 02 My War Gone By | 200,00 |
Gold Digger #202 | 40,00 |
Gold Digger Gina Vs Penny One Shot | 40,00 |
Heavy Metal #264 | 80,00 |
Itty Bitty Hellboy #1 | 30,00 |
Justice League #23 | 40,00 |
King Conan Hour O/T Dragon #4 | 35,00 |
Larfleeze #3 | 30,00 |
Last Of Us American Dreams #3 | 40,00 |
Lazarus #3 | 30,00 |
Manhattan Projects #13 | 35,00 |
Mass Effect Foundation #2 | 40,00 |
Massive #15 | 35,00 |
Mind Mgmt #14 | 40,00 |
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #10 | 40,00 |
Occupy Comics #3 | 35,00 |
Red Lanterns #23 | 30,00 |
Rocket Raccoon Tp Tales From Half World | 80,00 |
Sandman Omnibus Hc Vol 01 | 1500,00 |
Savage Sword Of Conan Bk 14 | 200,00 |
Sex #6 | 30,00 |
Shadowman #9 Reg Johnson | 40,00 |
Star Wars Legacy Ii #6 | 30,00 |
Super Dinosaur #20 | 30,00 |
Superman Silver Age Newspaper Dailies Hc 1958-1961 | 500,00 |
Talon #11 | 30,00 |
Teen Titans #23 | 30,00 |
Tom Strong And The Planet Of Peril #2 | 30,00 |
Umineko When They Cry Bk 04 Turn Golden Witch Pt 2 | 210,00 |
Unwritten #52 | 30,00 |
Video Watchdog #174 | 90,00 |
Visual Funk Jim Mahfood Art Hc | 500,00 |
Young Avengers #9 Now | 30,00 |
Young Lovecraft Bk 03 | 200,00 |
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