Dessa Yaoialbum kom in vecka 7

Love Mode Bk 8 av Yuki Shimizu 129,50
"In this flashback edition, we find out more about the Aoe household--including the quiet Haruomi! His sordid past reveals what made him turn to the cruel Aoe Shougo for help, and what he had to sacrifice to become Kiichi's personal bodyguard. This favorite volume also includes the adorable short story of our Love Mode men as animals in Dog and Cat!"
Love Pistols Bk 4 av Tarako Kotobuki 129,50
"As Norio continues his training at Kunimasa's family estate, he meets more and more family members. But when he meets Kunimasa's mother, he encounters a whole new set of problems--as she begins an auction for becoming Kunimasa's fiance! Norio rushes to stop what could be the end to his relationship, but what does Kunimasa truly want?"
I shall never return Bk 2 av Kazuna Uchida 129,50
"The emotional rollercoaster ride continues as long concealed desires erupt between the two young lovers. However, with the appearance of classmate, Iwazaki, Ken’s dark past starts to unravel as well as his fragile new relationship with Ritsuro. Will Ritsuro be able to accept Ken’s dark past? What will he do when Ken decides to escape his past by leaving him behind in Japan and traveling to Singapore with his mother?"

Spring Feber av Yugi Yamada 129,50
"Yusuke Onishi easily gets crushes on everybody and anybody, but never succeeds in love. That is, until the day he meets and falls in love with his new neighbor - a mature single parent. Yusuke has finally met his match. But his match just happens to be a guy! This is a classic oyaji-uke of an unexpected love between two people, one younger, one older. Also included as a bonus is "Wildman Blues," the story of two childhood friends who become reunited and then become passionate lovers."

Camera Camera Camera Bk 2 av Kazura Matsumoto 129,50
"Akira loves Kaoru… He’s confessed his feelings for him and is full of hopes for their future. However, one day, when he’s helping out by cleaning Kaoru’s place, Akira finds a suspicious photo… Is Kaoru hiding something from him?"

Invisible Boy Bk 2 av Hotaru Odagiri 129,50
"Many allies and even more enemies… A scandal breaks out surrounding the tremendously popular, charismatic, and beautiful student council president! Under the scrutinizing and hostile eye of the journalism club’s Katakura, Yuushi’s plans have been recalled. On top of that, Yuushi’s become the target of the ever-capable and ever-cool vice president Takamura’s rabid fans’ jealousy!! How will he respond to their constant criticism?!"

Love Training av Tatsumi Kaiya 129,50
"Kouji’s mother has just remarried, and as a result, he has a brand new father and two unbelievably beautiful twin brothers. In order to get to know his new family better, Kouji transfers to the same private school that his newly acquired step-brothers attend. But when Kouji finally meets them, the two have completely opposite personalities! And it seems like one of them is intent on being more than brothers!?!"

Prince Charming Bk 2 av Akemi Takaido 129,50
"Asahina was a normal teacher until he met Yuasa. After a world-wind romance, Yuasa has moved in and the two are living like newlyweds. But there is trouble in paradise in the form of Yuasa’s old friend, Nagai. Nagai has liked Yuasa for years and has finally gotten the nerve to confess his feelings. Is this the end of Asahina and Yuasa?"

Vanilla Bk 2 av Riyu Yamakami 129,50
"Things seemed to be finally working out between Ichiru and Saeki, but their bliss didn’t last long.
Ichiru is worried because Saeki doesn’t seem to give the same importance to their love as he does; and after a big argument, it looks like the two will break up! Is there no safe exit to this labyrinth of love…?!"
Invisible boy var förvånansvärt bra, den verkar ha lite handling förutom pojkpussar :)
SvaraRaderaMen att kalla den yaoi är än så länge att överdriva kraftigt. Dessa förvirrande förlag är jobbiga.
Jaså, är det bara pussarna ni vill åt? (-_^)
SvaraRaderaJag måste erkänna att jag använder Yaoi som samlingsbegrepp för allt form av japansk pojke-pojkeromantik. Det blir så krångligt att hålla reda på mer. Fast jag noterar att den inte
är inplastad vilket tyder på att vissa aktiviteter inte finns med. Apropå det, ni råkade inte filma Mys föreläsning och dessutom har lagt ut den på nätet? Skulle vilja se om den för att påminna mig om de olika genrerna och hur man gått från yaoi till 801 etc.
Jo, eftersom förlagen också slänger in allt vagt pojkpojkrelaterad under namnet yaoi blir det verkligen svårt att veta vad som är vad.
SvaraRaderaVi har filmat delar av den, men har haft stora problem med att kunna redigera den. Därför ligger i stort sett ingenting av det inspelade uppe än... men det kommer! (om jag så ska gå under)
Är det något specifikt du vill veta så kan jag skicka över det utkast som skulle blivit yaoikapitlet i min mangabok (fick avsäga mig uppdraget pga tidsbrist). Bara jag vet vart jag ska skicka den.
SvaraRaderaVad gäller "801" så är det så här: det japanska tecknet för "8" kan uttalas ya på japanska, och nollan och 1:an är substitut för det de ser ut som, o och i. Ett annat sätt att skriva om det är "ya-sa-i" (betyder "grönsak") genom att byta ut mittentecknet. Det är mer utförligt beskrivet i min artikel.
Må väl.
My: Jag lägger hemskt gärna ut texten här på bloggen om du tillåter det. Eller lägg ut den på din egen blogg så länkar jag till den.
SvaraRaderaBra idé faktiskt. När den är färdig lägger jag upp den i min blogg.
SvaraRaderaGlöm inte att maila mig när du gör det så att jag kan länka.